Last Wednesday, December 16 at 3:30 pm, William, Karli, and I welcomed Kelsey Morgan Hollis into our family. She arrived at 8lbs 1oz and 20.5 inches long. We couldn't believe it was another girl, we honestly didn't expect it! William refused to discuss a girl name with me my entire pregnancy and the night before I delivered I asked again, just in case...he shushed me...LOL! He was confident, and also wrong! We were delighted with our new baby girl and absolute bundle of joy. We came home Thursday evening and since then our life has been interesting!

Karli is so thrilled that she is a big sister now. She constantly has to go and check on Kelsey while she's sleeping and keep me updated that she's "still sleeping, but ok." Karli has been quite the helper around the house and loves to help give Kelsey a bath. She sings to her and loves it when Kelsey holds her finger so tight.

For the most part Kelsey has been sleeping well, 2-3 hours at a time during the night with a few nights that have been long ones. Getting up every couple of hours or staying up with her hasn't been the problem. It's more or less having to get up with Karli bright and early the next morning and play. Staying up all night and all day over and over isn't good for anyone. If I could actually sleep during the day when the baby sleeps it would be alot easier, but a 4 year old doesn't exactly let you do that very well.

Karli loves to hold her baby sister and talk to her. Kelsey is very alert when she's up, looking all around at all of the Christmas lights. She seems to know my voice no matter my place in the room she looks that way! She seems so strong, if she's laying on her belly she will pick her head up and turn it the other amazes me everytime! I look at her and think that I cannot believe she is actually still not gestation, meaning her due date isn't until the 30th. Kelsey was born at 38 weeks. It's hard to believe that I should have to carry this little joy for another week and a half before birth!

William has really enjoyed his time with his baby girl. He's such a good daddy and cannot walk by her without giving her kisses on her chubby little cheeks! He is now in a house with 3 girls and I have to laugh and think it's God's way of revenge...haha! In any case, both of his girls are daddy's girls, no doubt about it, and he wouldn't have it any other way!

We're so excited about our family of 4! We could not ask for a better Christmas than to spend it with each other and our 2 beautiful girls! Merry Christmas everybody, we hope it's as wonderful as ours!