I cannot believe the holidays are already among us...this means the 4th little Hollis in our family is bound to make his or her entrance any week now! I know that William and I have family spread out all around, so we thought this would be a great way to keep everyone updated with events and pictures! Karli is growing so fast! She will be 5 in March, boy does time fly! We cannot believe how big and beautiful she has become, and so fast at that!

Karli started taking ballet lessons this fall and boy does she enjoy showing us her spins all around the house!

Karli is so excited to meet her little brother or sister she doesn't quite know what to do! She has been practicing changing diapers and feeding her babydolls so she can "be mommies helper!" How sweet is that! Every night before she goes to bed she has to kiss my belly to tell the baby goodnight!

She is so beautiful, and I know she will be an awesome big sis!!!