All because two people fell in love...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bye Bye Tooth Number 2

All day long Sunday Karli's tooth was hanging on by a wing and a prayer. As I sat on the side of the bathtub Sunday night running her bath water I asked, "are you going to let me pull that tooth out for you now?" She just looks at me for a second, says "ok," and opens her mouth. I thought she was just playing with me, but no, she actually let me pull it out. It didn't take much and ta-da, bye bye tooth number 2!! Kelsey now has 8 teeth. Her top back molars just came in last week and ofcouse her bottom back molars are coming in this week, teeth 9 & 10. It's been an AWESOME 2 weeks of sleep for us (can you feel the sarcasm)! This picture shows her sitting in her high chair enjoying a hot dog...the girl LOVES them!

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