Allow me to introduce you to our toothless wonder! Her name is
Karli, she loves flashing that new smile with a missing tooth, and as you can see...loves to sneak a slice of bread! She
absolutely came to be a lover of bread from her mother (who can eat a pack of h
awaiian sweet
rolls in one sitting)! William's dad says that I should dress up with the girls next
halloween because he's found a costume
thats perfect for me...a loaf of wonder bread -

How they sat still for even the smallest of moments is beyond me. Here
Karli flashes that smile again as Kelsey looks very confused! She's practicing her Elvis look!

Now this is what I call cheap fun...laundry basket pirate ship! If I knew that our laundry basket would have been such a hit, it would of come out a long time ago. I was in the living room one night folding clothes and Kelsey went ahead and dumped all of my clean clothes on the floor so she could crawl into the basket. All aboard!

There she sits, happy as a clam rocking her body back and forth to make the basket scoot and slide along the carpet. What a character, she just waves to me and goes on about her business.

The two of them continued to play in the laundry basket for about 45 minutes before I finally put it up.
Without question Karli was the captain of that ship, but don't doubt that Kelsey certainly gave her a run for her money!
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