's only been an entire YEAR since I've posted anything!! Way to go me right! That first year is a serious adjustment. Plus I was sooooo tied up at work staying nights away from home. Well now I have a new job...yay me! And this new job gives me more time with my girls and more time for important things like.....blogging!! Karli and Kelsey have been a blessing I never know I was worthy enough to receive this past year. A handful, but unconditionally loving little girls! I've posted a few pictures throughout the last year...not that it makes up for anything, but I WILL DO BETTER! Here is a pic of Kelsey and I at her baptism, excuse my bra strap shining!

This is a pic of Karli at halloween and I thought she was a beautiful mermaid. PS: Thanks Brooke for letting us go to your house and pick out all of the sandspurs we accumulated on her poor mermaid tail...that was no fun!

My bright blue eyed monkey...HATES to ride in a car! Loves to say "what's that?"

Love this picture of Karli, it was taken at my cousins (Ashely) wedding last year.

My sweet gifts in the living room floor this past Christmas. Tried so hard to get a good picture of them but Kelsey kept getting the sparkly ornaments off of the tree and attempting to eat them!

Karli at the beach last year in Aunt Lara's hat...too precious for words, a true beach girl at heart!

Karli taking care of her little sister in the living room floor. Karli is a precious gift and she has been a fabulous big sister. She truly is a little mama!

Karli and her Daddy! He has been an unspeakable daddy! He loves his two girls and his two girls love him! Kelsey followed him around for a solid hour 2 nights ago...everywhere he went. I have no idea where I'd be without him! Much love to my true soul mate!

Our two sweet girls...what more could two parents ask for?!?! is my vow...continue to check us out! More to come! Love you all!
Yay for a new post! So great to see new photos of your ADORABLE family! Miss you guys, its been too long!