Name: Kelsey Morgan Hollis
Age: 4 days away from 16 months
Weight: 24 lbs 12 ounces
Height: 30 6/8"
Favorite Color: She tends to go for things that are red first
Favorite Animal: Dogs and ducks...she points them out and says "dog" or "duck" everywhere we go, even in pictures.
Favorite Food: Maccaroni and cheese, hot dogs, pancakes, bbq, green peas, applesauce, grits & eggs
Favorite Toy: She doesn't specify one toy over another (although she loves her little push and ride car). At any given time if you see Kelsey she more than likely has some sort of burp rag in her hand. It comforts her and she must have it to go to sleep. She will drag it around with her all day.
Schedule: Most days she's up around 6am, takes a 2 hour nap around 11, then goes down for bed at 8pm. Still up twice a night for something to drink, occasionally sleeps all night. I'm hoping that gtting tubes in her ears on Thursday will help the sleep issue.
Words: Her first words that she consistently put together and said in context were "thank you." She also says: ball, dog, duck, whats that, whos that, shoes, socks, turk, mama, dada, papa, baba, eyes, and ears. She is pretty good at repeating a word if you say it to her such as baby, but she doesn't say them on her own yet. If you ask her where her baby is she points to her picture on the wall. She can point to her eyes and ears when asked and she will go get just about anything in her room if you ask. Tell her in the kitchen or living room to go put something up (that belongs in her room) she'll go put it right where it needs to go. She's very good about helping clean her room, she brings things to you and then claps her hands as if to say "yay me!" She gives everyone and everything "kisses." Reading a book takes forever because she kisses every picture of a character. She also leans in to hug them making the noise "uh-uh-uh"...this also goes for any picture of the family in our house that she can reach....and also poor Turk if he's around!
Love her to no end!