All because two people fell in love...

Monday, April 11, 2011

In the words of Cookie Monster....Me LOVE Cupcake!

I know...I know...but she thoroughly enjoyed it! Yesterday was a full day. We went to church, traveled to Creswell to see my grandmother, have lunch, and spend the afternoon together. On the way home we stopped by a friends house, whom we hadn't seen in a very long time! He gave us a few cupcakes they made that afternoon. Kelsey wanted it from the moment she saw it! I thought, hey this will be cute! She LOVED it...and it was fun for Karli, William, and myself to sit and watch her eat it!

 She has her 5 o'clock shadow...hehe!

 She finished the entire cupcake to say the least. Then we went straight to the tub. Here is a picture that Karli took of us in the floor. Kelsey all cleaned up and at the last second instead of a smile, she gave mom a kiss!

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