All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Show Me Your Smile!

Karli officially has not a single front tooth! On the way home yesterday, it just fell out! She holds her hand out for me to see and I asked her did you just pull it out! No she says, I just caught it! So here is that priceless picture that will no doubtly go in a yearbook one day!
 My little girl is not so little anymore, she's growing up way to fast for my liking. This is the perfect age and if I could I'd keep her right here forever!

 Ofcourse I had to throw in a picture of Kelsey this morning! She too, is growing incredibly fast! Where have all my children gone?!

1 comment:

  1. Karly is precious with NO FRONT TEETH!! and Kelsey, her hair gets blonder every day!
