All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

East Carolina ENT

Today was the day for Kelsey's evaluation at East Carolina ENT, in Greenville, about her recurring ear infections. We left at 0630 and Kelsey did really well on the ride there. Remember now, she hates to ride most days. We arrived and waited a short amount of time before we were called back. After talking to us and looking in Kelsey's ears he explained to us that she does have retained fluid. He said that considering the fluid and her recurrent infections that tubes would definetly be the best option. We scheduled her for next Thursday - April 14th. From there we went over the the surgi center to pre register. Before leaving Greenville we stopped at McDonalds to grab a snack. Kelsey barely touched her food. She may of eaten 1/2 of a chicken nugget and a couple of french fries but she gulped back her apple juice box. She fell asleep in her car seat and slept pretty much the whole way back to town. I'm nervous about next week, but very excited about the possibility of better days for Kelsey ahead. Prayers and updates to come!

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