All because two people fell in love...

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Name is Karli

Name: Karli Hayden Hollis
Age: 6 years old / Kindergarten
Weight: 45lbs
Height: 46.5"
Favorite Color: Pink & Purple
Favorite Animal: Bunny
Favorite Foods: Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Spaghetti, Hamburger Steak, Oatmeal, Grits & Eggs
Favorite Thing to Play: School, Dress up and act out her Barbie movies, SING!
Favorite Movie: All of the Barbie movies
Bed Time: 8 - 8:30pm
Wake Up Time: On school days 6:30am, on the weekends at least by 7-7:30am
Excitement for the day: About to lose top left front tooth, and today Karli is the "line leader!!!"
Side Note from Mom: Super helper, little mother...loves to take care of her little sister. Extremely thoughtful and tender hearted. Loves to find things in the house, wrap them up (even if it's just in a blanket) and give them to you as a present! Shy. Always tells me things like "you look pretty today mom," "I hope you have a good day mom," "I love you bunches and bunches!" Could not have dreamt of a sweeter child, well mannered, respectful, and sincere!

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