All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where did my tooth go...?

This morning I went in as usual to wake Karli up. Today is an exciting day because the kindergarten class is taking a field trip to the aquarium, and daddy is going with her! Karli sits up in her bed and starts talking to me and I notice....her loose tooth is missing! "Karli!" I say, "where is your tooth?!" She immediately put her hands to her mouth and started smiling! She lost it sometime in the middle of the night. My next thought is, oh no did she swallow it? "Let's see if we can find it," I tell her. Her bed is like the top of a bunk bed because it's a very cool house underneath and bed on top that her daddy built for her. We found it, under her pillow! So here is a picture of Karli's big smile this morning showing off the new gap, sticking her tongue through it!

 Kelsey smiles at me this morning, as I'm taking pictures of Karli, and shows us her new molars in the back!
 Ready for school, excited about spending the day at the aquarium with daddy and her friends!
 Two of the prettiest girls in the world on the way to school, happy as clams! Cute how their head is tilted the exact same way!

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